How Insurance Adjusters Try To Reduce Compensation Claims

February 21, 2018 | Accident Tips

Each year, insurance agencies invest millions of dollars to train claim adjusters on how they can reduce the credibility of accident claims. Every claim that’s presented to a particular insurance company is instantly challenged based on its merits and value.

This is why speaking with an experienced attorney immediately after an accident is important as they can provide advice on how to handle yourself when communicating with an adjuster, as well as work with them on your behalf.

If you are injured in some type of accident that’s caused by another party’s negligent or reckless behavior, the Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Fast Help can help protect you during negotiations with a claims adjuster.

Disputing An Accident Claim’s Value

There are a wide variety of tactics insurance adjusters rely on to dispute the value of an accident claim. One particular method is to target points that are considered to be subjective and therefore, difficult to quantify with a specific monetary value.

Pain, agony, loss of consortium, and other intangible damages exacerbate a victim’s suffering caused by an accident. Still, claims adjusters do not consider these responses when developing a settlement offer and often argue that it is impossible to assign a monetary value on emotional distress.

Another method for devaluing an accident claim is to challenge future expenses. Defendants are found guilty in an accident claim are legally responsible for compensating all future financial losses that are connected to their negligent behavior.

This may refer to the plaintiff’s future earning potential, long-term treatment, rehabilitation services, and all other expenses related to the accident. Still, most of these considerations can only be estimated during the settlement of a claim, as they have not occurred. numero de serie daemon tools 5.0.1

Personal injury cases are governed by Georgia’s statutes of limitations which fall before all medical and accident-related expenses may have taken place. In this situation, the plaintiff must estimate and substantiate what their expenses will be over the next year or so. avast premier activation code 2018

The plaintiff may need to contact medical experts to provide a detailed explanation over the costs of healthcare, rehabilitative programs, and treatment. The plaintiff may also need to present some type of financial adviser or economist who can discuss the impact of lost wages and provide a meaningful estimate for how the plaintiff’s lifetime earning potential is impacted by the accident.

In both cases, an adjuster will provide their own set of experts who counter the claims made by the plaintiff’s team to diminish their credibility and value. isumsoft zip password refixer registration key

Fast Help Is Here To Protect Your Rights

After an accident occurs, contact Fast Help right away to ensure that your legal rights are protected and that the integrity of a potential injury claim is preserved. Our personal injury attorneys will aggressively work on your behalf to ensure you receive compensation that covers all of your short and long-term expenses.

Our team is experienced at working with insurance adjusters and can negotiate the terms of a potential settlement on your behalf. Contact Fast Help immediately after an accident for a free consultation – just dial (404) 592-0318.

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