In The Event Of An Auto Accident Near Atlanta
After an auto accident, it is possible to feel physically well and free of injury. It is important to understand that most accident injuries do not present noticeable symptoms for several days and often times even weeks after the accident occurs.
Most accident injuries occur in collisions that see both drivers traveling under 5 miles per hour (mph). Most victims tend to feel normal after a crash because the body is still in shock. Once this type of shock wears off after a few days or weeks, performing basic activities like getting out of your bed suddenly becomes difficult to impossible to perform. Be sure to connect with a licensed chiropractor who specializes in treating accident injuries and one of the Fast Help’s medical doctors immediately after an accident even if you believe you are of sound health.
After a collision, it is important to speak with an experienced accident injury attorney. Those that are a part of the Fast Help network are familiar with helping victims obtain compensation for their damages. Do not try and settle a personal injury (i.e. auto accident) case without the support of a licensed attorney. If the other parties’ insurance agent attempts to contact you or ask you questions related to the accident, do not answer their calls.
Always hire an attorney and allow them to speak on your behalf. Most accident injuries do not require out-of-pocket expenses and most people only tend to pay a percentage of what’s required. One of our accident injury attorneys will guide you through your legal rights according to the State of Georgia and will work to ensure you have been compensated appropriately for your injuries, vehicle, belongings, and passengers.
Make sure your kids are supported after an accident. Is your child’s car seat ok to reuse after an accident? Learn what you should do with your children’s car seat after a collision, as well as how to ensure they are properly evaluated by a medical professional.
Too often, accident victims make critical mistakes when it comes to managing an accident claim after an incident occurs. Even if you are traveling under 5 mph at the time of an accident, the impact can cause tens of thousands of dollars in repairs. Trying to find an experienced mechanic can be difficult, paying out-of-pocket for a rental car can be expensive, and working with a Fast Help attorney is the only way to ensure you are not responsible for such associated costs.
Follow these recommendations after an accident takes place:
- Remain calm and refrain from speaking with anyone until the police have arrived on the scene.
- Review for any potential for injuries. If you are hurt or unsure whether you are injured, call an ambulance for help.
- Turn on your vehicle’s hazard lights. If you have other safety signal objects like cones or hazard signs, place them in the appropriate positions if you are in good health and safely parked on the side of the road.
- Do not indulge the other driver’s request to refrain from calling the police. Obtaining an official accident report is critical for insurance adjusters and their ability to decide who is at fault.
- When questioned by the police, stick to the facts and try to keep personal sentiment out of the conversation.
- Collect the names, addresses, and contact information of any witnesses at the scene of the accident.
- Use your smartphone to take pictures and/or videos of the accident, the related damage, nearby streets, and any available traffic signals.
Call Fast Help’s Atlanta accident hotline after a collision to speak with our experienced attorneys and medical doctors about your experience. We can ensure your legal rights are protected, connect you with the medical treatment that’s appropriate for your injuries, and provide cash advance assistance if necessary. Just dial (404) 592-0318.