The Most Common Types of Car Accidents In Atlanta
Over 112,000 Atlanta residents were injured in 2016 because of a car accident, while another 400,000 took place throughout the entire state.
In the United States, over 10 million car accidents take place each year.
There are a few types of car accidents that take place on a regular basis, each with its own set of concerns and consequences. If you are involved in an accident while driving through Atlanta, knowing how to move forward with obtaining legal and medical support is key to ensuring that you can collect compensation for your damages, while also receiving proper treatment for any injuries sustained.
Call Fast Help immediately following a car accident to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney or doctor. Fast Help is the premier accident helpline that supports thousands of people every day.
Common Types of Car Accidents
There are four specific types of car accidents that take place more often than others – each containing its unique properties and set of consequences.
If you are involved in one of the following accidents, call (404) 592-0318 to be connected with an Atlanta personal injury doctor who can schedule an immediate examination.
Rear-End Collisions
If you have ever driven through Atlanta during rush hour, you know all about being stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic.
This condition is conducive for rear-end collisions to take place, as drivers tend to accelerate and decelerate without paying close attention to what other drivers around them are doing. Other environments that often lead to rear-end accident claims include stop lights, intersections, and conditions affected by poor climate.
Side Impact Collisions
Side impact accident claims or “T-bone” collisions refer to situations where one vehicle strikes another from the right or left side. This kind of car accident often leaves both vehicles inoperable and both drivers seriously wounded.
Head-On Collisions
Ramming another vehicle head-on is the most dangerous kind of auto accident and often produces serious injuries even when both drivers are traveling at low speeds. Common injuries associated with head-on car accidents include lacerations, fractured bones, Whiplash, concussions, and muscle damage.
Non-Vehicle Accidents
Drivers are also prone to colliding with non-vehicles like pedestrians and stationary objects. Running into a pedestrian while operating a vehicle is one of the worst situations you can find yourself in for a variety of reasons. If you hit another person while driving, contact an experienced Atlanta personal injury attorney as soon as possible.