Can I File A Slip and Fall Suit In Atlanta If There Were Signs Posted?

April 6, 2017 | Accident Tips

Can I File A Slip and Fall Suit In Atlanta If There Were Signs Posted? | Fast HelpOne of the most common types of personal injury lawsuits is slip and fall accidents, whether at work or in a public setting.

Over one million people are forced to visit an emergency room because of a slip and fall accident each year, which is why so many businesses and organizations post yellow or orange warning signs indicating the presence of a slippery surface.

The Legality of Slip and Fall Warning Signs

Most accident victims assume that because there is a warning sign posted, the business or organization responsible for the sign is clear of any responsibility or liability.

However, the party responsible for posting the warning sign(s) is still liable for damages if their signage were placed in inadequate or inappropriate locations.

Filing A Slip and Fall Personal Injury Lawsuit

You can ask one of our Fast Help Atlanta personal injury attorneys to file a lawsuit on your behalf if you were not made immediately and entirely aware of the slippery surface responsible for your accident.

If you are walking out of a store and the entranceway is wet, if the warning sign is positioned on the opposite side of the doorway, then you were not given proper notice before encountering the hazardous environment. In other cases, if the warning sign was positioned so that it only faced people located within the store, this too is not considered to be a proper warning.

All warning signs must be placed in particular locations where everyone can clearly see its message. Otherwise, the State of Georgia does not believe that a proper warning was offered and will likely hold the business or organization responsible for any damages sustained.

If You Are Injured In A Slip and Fall Accident in Atlanta – Call The Personal Injury Attorney’s at Fast Help

Slip and fall injury claims happen all the time and are not exclusive to stores or other types of businesses.

Our personal injury attorneys represent accident victims who have sustained physical damage while walking down a sidewalk in Midtown, walking on someone’s lawn in Decatur, or while entering their children’s school in Buckhead.

Although each case is unique, the best way to determine whether or not you can claim damages is to speak with one of our experienced Fast Help personal injury attorneys.

Our team has successfully handled many slip and fall cases over the years and can give the best possible chance to obtain compensation for your injuries, medical bills, and missed work.

Call us today at  1-800-FASTHELP or  (404) 592-0318  to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney or contact us online to have one of our representatives follow up with you.

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