Use this checklist if you are involved in an auto accident. Doing so can help ensure that your legal rights and physical health are protected from long-term harm. Auto Accident Checklist Contact emergency authoritiesCall 911 for police and medical assistance, if needed. Provide an accurate account to the police of what happened and ask for […]
Continue reading 'In The Event Of An Auto Accident Near Atlanta
After an auto accident, it is possible to feel physically well and free of injury. It is important to understand that most accident injuries do not present noticeable symptoms for several days and often times even weeks after the accident occurs. Most accident injuries occur in collisions that see both drivers traveling under 5 miles […]
Continue reading 'How Insurance Rates Go Up After An Auto Accident
IF I GET INTO AN AUTO ACCIDENT, WHAT FACTORS CAN CAUSE MY INSURANCE RATES TO INCREASE? This history of your personal driving record and whether you have been found responsible for other accidents in the past are a couple of factors that can influence your insurance rates after an auto accident claim. If you are […]
Continue reading 'How To File An Auto Accident Claim In Atlanta
The State of Georgia allows accident injury victims to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. If you brought a lawsuit against another driver as a result of an accident injury you sustained caused by their actions and it did not result in a fair settlement, we can help. The legal experts at Fast Help […]
Continue reading 'How Insurance Adjusters Try To Devalue Accident Claims
Tactics insurance adjusters often use to reduce the value of an accident claim The National Safety Council reports that the average injury accident costs the victim close to $336,000 across lost wages, medical expenses, and overall impact on their quality of life. To mitigate these expenses, victims often seek compensation from their insurance provider by […]
Continue reading 'Negligence Lawsuits in Georgia
If you are an accident victim due to circumstances that could have been avoided, you may want to file a negligence lawsuit. If you are injured in an accident that’s caused by another person, you are entitled to file a negligence claim to compensate for whatever damages you endure. Negligence lawsuits comprise of four individual […]
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Road Safety Tips for Back to School
With the new school year comes major highway congestion as school buses pick up students, kids ride their bicycles to school, and parents rush to drop their children off before work. During this time, it’s critical that drivers slow down and pay careful attention to the road, especially while school is in session.
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Fast Help’s Atlanta Car Accident Attorneys Represent Side-Impact Collisions
The process for determining who is at-fault during a rear-end collision is fairly simple. The driver that collides with another vehicle’s bumper is usually held responsible because they were either following too closely or were distracted at the time of the accident. For side-impact car accidents, determining responsibility is more complicated. Accident reconstruction specialists are […]
Continue reading 'How To Choose A New Personal Injury Doctor
When an accident occurs and injuries are sustained, choosing the right personal injury doctor is critical for ensuring a complete recovery. If you are looking for a new doctor, it’s important to know what characteristics to look for and to select one that is approved by your health insurance provider.
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Should You Fire Your Personal Injury Attorney?
In any environment, you may not agree with the opinions and approach of your peers. Unfortunately, this is true in attorney-client relationships, too. Although a personal injury attorney is a critical component of any successful claim, it’s imperative to understand that the relationship you have with your representation is complex by nature.
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