How To Avoid Accepting Inadequate Personal Injury Settlements

How To Avoid Accepting Inadequate Personal Injury Settlements

If you are injured as a result of another party’s negligent behavior, you might need to file a personal injury claim to collect compensation for your damages. Considering the cost of treatment, vehicle repairs in cases of car accidents, and potential long-term care – filing a lawsuit against the responsible party may be necessary to […]

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Hire An Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney To Manage Insurance Adjusters

Hire An Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney To Manage Insurance Adjusters

Whenever a significant accident occurs where compensation is sought after, insurance claims adjusters are sent out to assess the situation. Their primary responsibility is to minimize the extent damages so that their employer can provide as little compensation as possible, if anything at all. Their secondary function is to try to lure accident victims into settling […]

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Reasons Why Accident Victims Do Not Hire An Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney

Reasons Why Accident Victims Do Not Hire An Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney

There are thousands of accidents that take place throughout Atlanta that never reach a courtroom. Some accident victims believe they can either handle their claim or are afraid to move forward suing another party, especially if they have a relationship with them. Regardless of how knowledgeable you are over personal injury claims or the person/party […]

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Reasons Why Clients Fire Their Personal Injury Attorneys

Reasons Why Clients Fire Their Personal Injury Attorneys

Clients are allowed to dismiss or dire their personal injury attorney at any time, for any reason regardless of whether a contingency fee contract is signed. Although letting an attorney go can be a difficult choice to make, there are suitable reasons for doing so. Considering their level of professionalism, communication skills, and competence, you […]

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How To Receive Personal Injury Compensation Before Reaching A Settlement

How To Receive Personal Injury Compensation Before Reaching A Settlement

The outcomes associated with personal injury claims include a trial verdict, dismissal, or settlement. Most people do not understand that the majority of injury claims are settled before reaching trial. Experienced Atlanta personal injury attorneys understand that it is usually in the best interest of the accident victim to resolve a claim outside of court since […]

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Avoid Getting Trapped In A Tractor Trailer’s Blind Spot

Avoid Getting Trapped In A Tractor Trailer’s Blind Spot

Have you ever driven through one of Atlanta’s busy highways and a tractor-trailer forced you to move into another lane or pushed you off the road? This situation happens more often than you may think and creates significant risk for those involved. Fast Help’s network of affiliated personal injury attorneys has experience handling claims associated with […]

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Avoid Accident Injuries Caused By Atlanta’s Traffic Jams

Avoid Accident Injuries Caused By Atlanta’s Traffic Jams

The greater Atlanta region is known for horrendous bumper-to-bumper traffic jams. Since the community has such a significant population and is treated as a connector for surrounding states, the volume of vehicles traveling through on a regular basis is high. During the school year, traffic only increases due to the number of vehicles and buses […]

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When You Should See An Atlanta Personal Injury Doctor After A Car Accident

When You Should See An Atlanta Personal Injury Doctor After A Car Accident

Some people who experience a car accident do not seek medical treatment right away. Avoiding treatment is usually the result of an accident victim feeling fine or hoping that their symptoms will go away on their own. However, refusing to have an Atlanta personal injury doctor evaluate your condition after a car accident can lead […]

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Who Is Responsible For Compensation In A Personal Injury Claim?

Who Is Responsible For Compensation In A Personal Injury Claim?

Personal injury claims are a particular kind of civil lawsuit that is issued after one party causes another person physical, emotional, or psychological damage. At times, a civil lawsuit and criminal charges are applied to the negligent party, as often seen in drunk driving accidents.

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