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What To Do When Your Teenager Is In A Car Accident

May 16, 2018 | Accident Tips

What To Do When Your Teenager Is In A Car Accident | Fast Help

What To Do When Your Teenager Is In A Car Accident | Fast HelpTeen drivers are responsible for a significant portion of all car accidents due to their general lack of experience and ability to concentrate on the road. In fact, close to a dozen teens between the ages of 15 and 20 are killed each day in a car accident.


Fast Help

Increasing Traffic In Atlanta Leads To More Car Accidents

May 14, 2018 | Accident Tips

Increasing Traffic In Atlanta Leads To More Car Accidents | Fast Help

Increasing Traffic In Atlanta Leads To More Car Accidents | Fast HelpRecent reports offered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show Atlanta as one of the most congested cities in the world.

Ranking close to major metropolitan locations like New York City, Los Angeles, and London for poor traffic conditions, Atlanta’s commuters spend 90 minutes on average commuting to work.

This amount of time positions Atlanta as eighth out of the 1,360 cities that were reviewed in their report.


Fast Help

The Risks Of Speeding On Georgia’s Highways

May 11, 2018 | Accident Tips

The Risks Of Speeding On Georgia’s Highways | Fast Help

The Risks Of Speeding On Georgia’s Highways | Fast HelpDriving past the legal speed limit is a significant contributor to car accidents throughout Georgia. Still, many drivers do not feel that traveling at excessive speeds is dangerous and continue to exert such reckless behavior.

Unfortunately, such behavior can lead to serious consequences for those on the road.


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Enjoy A Car Accident-Free Summer

May 9, 2018 | Accident Tips

Enjoy A Car Accident-Free Summer | Fast Help

Enjoy A Car Accident-Free Summer | Fast HelpAtlanta’s spring and summer seasons attracts thousands of tourists from various areas throughout the country.

Although great for our local economy, the influx of tourists also creates additional traffic concerns dedicated to congestion, distractions, and accidents.


Fast Help

The Consequences of Slip and Fall Accidents For Atlanta’s Seniors

May 4, 2018 | Accident Tips

The Consequences of Slip and Fall Accidents For Atlanta’s Seniors | Fast Help

The Consequences of Slip and Fall Accidents For Atlanta’s Seniors | Fast HelpSlip and fall accidents can occur anywhere and most tend to take place in stores and hospitals. Although such accidents have the potential to affect anyone, seniors are especially vulnerable to falling and getting injured.

Most slips-and-fall accidents that involve seniors are caused by poor vision, diminished mobility, and a lack of core stability. In Georgia, this particular type of accident is the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for seniors, according to the National Council on Aging.


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Georgia’s Premises Liability Laws

May 2, 2018 | Accident Tips

Georgia’s Premises Liability Laws | Fast Help

Georgia’s Premises Liability Laws | Fast HelpMost people associate slip-and-fall accidents with the concept of premises liability, although there are a variety of incidents that fall under the definition.

If you experience an accident injury on another person or entity’s property, understanding your legal rights and what actions you need to take to obtain compensation for your damages is critical for protecting your future.

Consider the following information that highlights other types of accidents that fall under the definition of premises liability and contact our Atlanta accident injury attorneys for immediate support.


Fast Help

Call Fast Help If You Are Injured By A Drunk or Distracted Driver

April 18, 2018 | Accident Tips

Injured By A Drunk or Distracted Driver | Fast Help

Injured By A Drunk or Distracted Driver | Fast HelpDrunk driving is a serious and formidable offense in the state of Georgia. Drunk drivers are more likely to hurt and injure other drivers because of their limited reaction rate and lack of control.

In Georgia, there are special laws that protect the rights of people who are injured as a result of a drunk or distracted driver.

Such laws place accountability directly on drunk drivers and those who unlawfully supplied alcoholic beverages to the driver.


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Alarming Statistics For Teen Drivers Who Text

April 16, 2018 | Accident Tips

Alarming Statistics For Drivers Who Text | Fast Help

Alarming Statistics For Drivers Who Text | Fast HelpThe statistics that highlight the risks of texting while operating a vehicle are alarming for parents and teenagers throughout the United States. Each day, close to 660,000 drivers use their smart phone devices while driving a car or truck.

The explosion in popularity and use of smart phone devices allows people to stay more connected to their peers than ever before. Although this presents a world of opportunities from a social perspective, it also poses significant safety hazards when drivers attempt to check or use their smart phone devices while driving.

Car accidents associated with or caused by smart phone distractions continue to increase each year at an alarming rate. Please consider the following information that speaks to the potential risks of driving while texting and may help you understand why it’s important to avoid such distractions.


Fast Help

How To Help Teenage Drivers Avoid Distractions and Car Accidents

April 13, 2018 | Accident Tips

How To Help Teenage Drivers Avoid Distractions and Car Accidents | Fast Help

How To Help Teenage Drivers Avoid Distractions and Car Accidents | Fast HelpDistracted driving refers to any action that causes you to avert your eyes from the road, traffic signals, other vehicles, and the act of driving itself.

The US Department of Transportation reports that ten people die each day, while another 1,000 drivers sustain mild to severe injuries as a result of distracted drivers.

Because of the risks associated with distracted driving, parents are encouraged to speak with their children about common actions they should avoid to ensure their safety and those around them.


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Distracted Driving Awareness Month: Statistics For Atlanta’s Drivers

April 11, 2018 | Accident Tips

Distracted Driving Awareness Month | FAST HELP

Distracted Driving Awareness Month | Fast HelpApril serves as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides information that highlights the risks and consequences connected to operating a vehicle while simultaneously performing other actions.

Among America’s drivers, teenagers are the primary at-risk age group for engaging in multiple activities while driving like texting on a mobile device.

Driving distracted poses a serious threat to the welfare of the driver, their passenger(s), and other nearby vehicles. Considering the behavior of all drivers, teenagers tend to be more prone than other age groups when it comes to engaging in texting and other distractions while driving.


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