Fast Help

4 Startling Facts About Distracted Driving

April 9, 2018 | Accident Tips

Facts About Distracted Driving | Fast Help

Facts About Distracted Driving | Fast HelpThe most important thing you can do to protect you while operating a vehicle is to stay completely focused on the road. In 2017, distracted driving killed close to 3,200 people throughout the United States and injured over 430,000 more.

Consider the following information that highlights a few startling facts about distracted driving as a means to inspire more education and precautionary actions when driving on the road.


Fast Help

A Guide to Personal Injury Law In Georgia

April 2, 2018 | Accident Tips

A Guide to Personal Injury Law In Georgia | Fast Help

A Guide to Personal Injury Law In Georgia | Fast HelpAfter being injured in a serious accident, you might feel overwhelmed and worried about the financial impact this will have.

In the United States, there are over 31 million emergency room visits due to accidental injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Over 130,00 people across the country die due to these accidents, leaving families devastated and financially overwhelmed.


Fast Help

What Are Your Legal Rights If Injured During Spring Break?

March 7, 2018 | Accident Tips

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Spring break serves as an unforgettable experience for millions of college students throughout the United States.

Unfortunately, a portion of such experiences includes accident injuries. When a student is injured while traveling on vacation or during spring break, it may be difficult to understand how to react appropriately

Knowing how to respond to an accident injury that occurs in a foreign environment is critical for ensuring a complete, safe recovery, as well as for protecting the integrity of a potential personal injury claim.


Fast Help

Common Spring Break Personal Injuries To Avoid

March 5, 2018 | Accident Tips

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Common Spring Break Personal Injuries | Fast HelpSpring break is one of the most popular times of the year for students, teachers, and parents to travel for vacation.

For students especially, spring break serves as an opportunity to relax and unwind from the demands of college.

If you are planning to travel this season, there are a few potential risks you should be aware of to prevent accident injuries from occurring.


Fast Help

2018 Spring Break Safe Driving Tips

March 2, 2018 | Accident Tips

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Spring Break Safe Driving Tips | Fast HelpColleges and universities throughout the United States celebrate  spring break vacation from March to April depending on term dates and holidays.

With spring break comes more drivers traveling to popular destinations like Daytona Beach or Myrtle Beach. If you’re planning a vacation this year with your roommates, friends, or family members, it’s important to take proactive measures that help create a safe trip.

Keep the following recommendations in mind to avoid a car accident and to ensure a fun, safe vacation for everyone involved.


Fast Help

Causes of Intersection Car Accidents

February 26, 2018 | Accident Tips

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Over three million intersection or “t-bone” car accidents occur each year according to The University of Michigan Health System.

As one of the most dangerous types of car accidents, there are a variety of factors that contribute to the severity of such collisions, including the velocity and force associated with both colliding vehicles.

When filing a personal injury claim against a driver that’s responsible for a side-impact collision, it’s imperative to understand the cause of the accident to prove liability. Items like video footage, witness testimony, and official reports can help determine the cause of an intersection accident.


Fast Help

How Drunk Driving Accidents Change Your Life

February 23, 2018 | Accident Tips

How-Drunk-Driving-Accidents-Change-Your-Life | FAST HELP

Drunk driving accidents produce a variety of injuries, not all of which are tangible. If you or someone you know is injured or killed in a drunk driving collision, you understand how devastating the situation is and the impact it has on everyone involved.

Suddenly, you’re asked to testify in court to explain the events leading up to the accident, your career is compromised as a result of your injuries, and medical bills continue to pile up.

Fortunately, Georgia law accounts for tangible and intangible damages sustained as a result of drunk driving, and an experienced Atlanta personal injury attorney can help ensure your ability to obtain compensation that covers all of your expenses.


Fast Help

How Insurance Adjusters Try To Reduce Compensation Claims

February 21, 2018 | Accident Tips

How-Insurance-Adjusters-Try-To-Reduce-Compensation-Claims | FAST HELP

Each year, insurance agencies invest millions of dollars to train claim adjusters on how they can reduce the credibility of accident claims. Every claim that’s presented to a particular insurance company is instantly challenged based on its merits and value.

This is why speaking with an experienced attorney immediately after an accident is important as they can provide advice on how to handle yourself when communicating with an adjuster, as well as work with them on your behalf.

If you are injured in some type of accident that’s caused by another party’s negligent or reckless behavior, the Atlanta personal injury attorneys at Fast Help can help protect you during negotiations with a claims adjuster.


Fast Help

Slip and Fall Accident Injuries

February 19, 2018 | Accident Tips

Slip and Fall Injury Claims | Fast HelpSlip and fall accidents occur on a daily basis and can happen anywhere. From your home to a shopping mall or place of worship, thousands of people throughout the United States are injured each year because of slippery surfaces, uneven terrain, or fallen debris.

In fact, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that slip and fall accidents are responsible for 15 percent of all accidental deaths, second to auto collisions.


Fast Help

Truck Accidents Caused By Negligent Behavior

February 14, 2018 | Accident Tips

Truck Accidents Caused By Negligent Behavior | Fast HelpTruck accidents occur on a daily basis throughout Atlanta and for a variety of reasons.

The medical and legal teams at Fast Help have found that there are specific examples and scenarios that tend to cause most truck accidents including reckless behavior and distracted driving.


1800-Fast-Help is a medical & legal referral service. 1800-Fast-Help works with 5 attorneys utilizes the AICA Orthopedic clinics when geographically feasible. All attorneys pay a fee to participate. 1800-Fast-Help refers to various cash advance companies for pre-settlement funding.

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